The cash book is an important book for managing cash in a company. However, if you don't keep a good cash book, the amount of cash on hand and the amount of money on the books may not match, or you may have trouble closing the accounts.
Although a handwritten cash book is fine, using a computer to create a cash book can save you a lot of time. In this article, we will introduce a cash book template that can be used in small businesses. You can download it for free without registration, so those who manage cash in their companies should definitely take advantage of it.
What is a cash book
A cash book is a ledger for companies and organizations to keep petty cash. By recording daily deposits and withdrawals in the book, you can see at a glance how much cash the company has.
When a company pays for goods and services, it is often done by wire transfer from an account or by credit card. However, when paying for small settlements or employee rebuilding expenses, you need cash, so a detailed check in the cash book is necessary.
Cash Book Template
Nowadays, few people use Excel to create and manage their cashbooks because accounting software and payroll systems output cashbooks. However, for sole proprietors and small businesses, Excel is more convenient in many ways. In this article, we have introduced several cashbook templates with different formats and layouts for you to use.