A to-do list is a list of tasks to be done and a table to keep track of whether they are completed or in progress.However, even if you want to make your own to-do list, you don't know what items you should have.
You can make use of Excel templates to help you create a to-do list much faster than if you were to create it from scratch.So, you can download free various patterns of Excel templates for to-do lists that will help you manage your tasks.
To-do list free excel templates
A to-do list can be used simply by listing tasks. But, it is easier to use a to-do list with check boxes and dates.
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This is an Excel template for a simple to do list, with No, Task, Priority, Due Date, and Done items.The form is to fill in the tasks one by one in each line.

This is a to-do list template with a checkbox at the top. Enter the task and date one line at a time.

This is a simple to do list template that is different in design from 01 and 02, with No, Task, Date due and Done items. When a task is completed, check the "Done" box.

It's a simple to-do list, with fields at the top of the template for the creation date and project name.At the bottom of the template is a notes field.

This is a to-do list template where you can write your weekly schedule for Monday through Saturday. Create your own appointments by filling in tasks for each day of the week.

This is a simple to-do list template; enter a date in the Start date field and the date will be set automatically.

This is a to-do list template for your weekly schedule. By entering the date on the start date, the date is automatically set.

This is a to-do list template in A4 paper, horizontal size. The task can be entered in two lines.

This is a to-do list template on A4 paper with horizontal writing. There are many items such as Task, Status, Priority, Due Date, Staff, Check and Notes.
How to use the to-do list
The basic way to use the to-do list is to write the tasks to be done (tasks) in the list, and when they are completed, simply check them off the list.
Updating your to-do list from time to time allows you to see at a glance which tasks must be done and which ones have been completed, thus preventing omissions and oversight of tasks.
Sample of a To-Do List
Depending on the template, your to-do list can be written with priorities, deadlines and completion dates, and you can customize your to-do list by adding, omitting or customizing the items you need to make it easier for you to use.