The fax cover sheet templates, there are many cases where each company has its own format, but there are also many people who create their own original fax cover sheet because it can be created in Excel or Word.
In this issue, you can download MS-Excel template for fax cover sheet for free.
The fax cover sheet formats introduced on this page are many Excel versions and 2 Word versions. Most of them are simple, so you can use them in business or personal situations.
How to use
- Click on a sample image to view a larger image.
- Please click the blue "Download" button at the bottom of the image to download the file.
- You can download the file in MS-Excel format or MS-Word format.
Fax cover sheet templates(MS-Excel)
Fax cover sheet templates(MS-Word)
Two new templates for the word version have been added. They are the same layout as Excel 01 and Excel 04. Please use either Excel or Word, whichever is easier to use.