In addition to the purpose of reporting to your boss, the weekly report also serves the purpose of reviewing your own work performance and content.How should you write an effective and easy-to-read weekly report?In this article, I'll show you how to write weekly reports and excel templates to help you get your work done more efficiently.
Weekly Report Template
What is a weekly report
A "weekly report" is a document used to report work done in a week.Usually, subordinates submit it to their superiors to report their work. There is no specific format, but a pattern that is commonly used is to write down the week's date and the work done, progress made, and results against the date.For an example of a specific format, please refer to the weekly report template.
The purpose of the weekly report
The purpose of the weekly report is to
Reflections on my work
The first two points are By reviewing your weekly report, your manager will check to see what's at stake, whether your staffing is appropriate, and how you should be doing your job as a whole.On the other hand, you can put together your weekly report to get a clearer picture of what you did this week, what the issues are, and what your plans are for next week.
Therefore, it goes without saying that it is more useful to look back at your work and create an appropriate weekly report, rather than just writing it up and saying, "Just send it out for now," because it will help you in the future.
How to write the weekly report
The weekly report is an important document that reports on the week's work. Remember the correct way to write your weekly report and your boss and colleagues will see you as someone who can do your job, so don't skimp on the essentials.
Be specific and easy to understand
The purpose of the weekly report is to reflect on your work and provide direction to your manager. Therefore, if you include specific numbers and write briefly, it will be easier for the person checking to understand.Instead of writing long sentences, it is better to write only bullet points. For example, if you are in sales, you can write "0 visits and 0 sales" for sales, you can write "0 customer service and 0 sales" for sales, and you can also write about any other problems or issues you notice.If you don't have specific figures for other than sales, you can simply state that you visited a certain company and performed a certain task.
Accomplishments and Progress
In the weekly report, you are expected to not only report on the work you have done, but also describe how much progress you have made against your schedule and whether you have achieved your goals.Simply reporting work done is not enough to be considered a businessman. By properly reporting on the progress, issues, and responses to them, you can reflect on your work and, in turn, make your report easy to understand by your boss.
Reflections and goals for the future
The report is even better when it includes future reflections and goals for progress and achievements. The purpose of the weekly report is also to review your work and plan for the future.In addition to reporting on work, planning for future work allows you to receive sound advice from your manager.
Develop after writing
It's important to "polish" your weekly report before submitting it to your boss.Many people submit their weekly report as-is because it's a hassle, but it's important to go over it again to make sure it's easy for the reader to read, as well as to check for spelling errors and omissions.
In addition to spelling mistakes, however, you should also reread your report to make sure it is easy to read. The trick is to write a good weekly report that is easy to understand and read, rather than writing a report that is full of cool mistakes.
Weekly report formatting example
The basic format of the weekly report is based on a description of work for a week's date items. Depending on the job or industry, it may be filled in with a column for progress, accomplishments, issues, etc. Basically a date column to be filled in daily, depending on the industry.
Create a space to fill in such things as
This week's challenge.
This week's progress
Plans for next week
As an example, here's a sample weekly report for a week. In this example, the setting is set up to focus on route sales and participating in a joint presentation project.Each day's work is specific and concise, with specific and concise assignments, reflections, and plans for the coming week, and other necessary areas.
Weekly reports can take some time at first, as you're struggling to figure out how to write them, but once you get used to it, you'll get the point across and you'll be able to finish writing them in a few minutes.When you do, always have the same format or template ready to go, so it's easier to read and write. If you don't have a weekly report template in your company, you can download and use it here.